Thanks for keeping us alert and entertained through your cartoons, Satish.

I agreed with his viewpoint 9 out of 10 times. I always found his work intelligent, honest and sincere. I never saw any element of malice or prejudice in his work. That, to my mind, is his biggest asset.

After R K Laxman exited, We were looking for someone who could take up his mantle. I don’t mean to draw any comparison, but Sandeep Adhwaryu and Satish hold the promise of reaching that gold standard some day.

There certainly is scope to improve in his art work. his illustrations can be sharper, clearer with better color scheme.

There’s also the scope to improve in language part – both English as well as Hindi.

As I said earlier, Satish, you have it in you to reach the top. Go right ahead as fearlessly as you can, don’t let fatigue set in at any point in time and it’s just a matter of time before you lead your fellow cartoonists.
Best wishes, always.

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